The Spaniel’s Wall of Honor

Here is a partial list of renowned Evangelical pastors, scholars, and apologists who have been criticized or denounced by polemicist and theme park entrepreneur Ken Ham and his associates at “Answers in Genesis” (AiG). All sources are from the AiG website. This list does not take into account Ham’s oratory or print publications. To the best of my knowledge, all have been far too mature and gracious to respond in kind.

Sometimes, that lone “voice in the wilderness” turns out to be a wolf. Spaniels intuitively understand this.

NameJudgment from AIG
Gavin Ortland, pastor, theologian, apologistsuffers from “intellectual schizophrenia” source
Sean McDowell, Apologist, Professor, Biola University“subverting orthodox, biblical Christianity” source
Hank Hanegraaff, President, Christian Research Institute“Hank Hanegraaff’s Abuse of Biblical Truth”
Denis Alexander, Emeritus Director of the Faraday Institute for Science and Religion, Cambridge.“incompetence at best or duplicitousness at worst.” source
John Lennox, noted Oxford mathematician and Christian apologist“his teaching on Genesis and his compromise…undermines the authority of the Word of God….A major contributing factor to the demise of the church in our Western World.” source
Wayne Grudem, Theologian, general editor of ESV Study Bible“Seriously mistaken…erroneous views that are damaging the church’s commitment to the authority of Scripture…Biblically inconsistent.” source
Tim Keller, pastor emeritus of Redeemer Presbyterian Church, NYC“Thus, once a Christian disconnects the spiritual truth the Bible teaches from the historical events on which it is based, then that Christian must accept that he no longer acknowledges its authority, irrespective what he may say to the contrary. ” source
Gleason Archer – professor of Old Testament and Semitic studies at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School “he allowed himself to be intimidated by ‘science’ so didn’t believe what he admitted was the most obvious interpretation of Genesis 1” source
James Montgomery Boice – Reformed theologian, pastor, and author“he was intimidated by long-age [sic] ‘science.’ ” source
J. P. Moreland – Distinguished Professor of Philosophy at Talbot School of Theology, Biola University “Dr. Moreland’s reliance on human authority is not unique. The Bible itself is not the final authority for most Christians today. ” source
Millard Erickson – Distinguished Professor of Theology at Western Seminary “misleading many evangelical seminary and Bible college students”
“needs to do his homework” and “repent” – source
Norman Geisler – internationally renowned apologist“undermining the reliability and authority of the Scriptures” – source
C. John Collins – Professor of Old Testament, Covenant Seminary“inaccurate and misleading ” – source
R. C. Sproul – Reformed theologian, apologist, and pastor“he is so easily tossed to and fro and carried about by the theories of scientists.” – source
William Lane Craig – Research Professor of Philosophy at Talbot School of Theology “Did Jesus Hold False Beliefs? William Lane Craig Suggests So!”
Paul Copan – Chair of Philosophy and Ethics at Palm Beach Atlantic University “Why are Grudem, Collins, Keathley, and Copan endorsing this unholy fellowship assaulting God’s Word?” – source
Nancy Pearcey – ” America’s preeminent evangelical Protestant female intellectual” (The Economist)“historically shortsighted” – source
Lee Strobel – author and apologist “unbiblical, vain philosophy” – source
James Dobson – founder, Focus on the Familycriticized for disagreeing with Ken Ham – source
Chuck Colson – founder, Prison Fellowshipcriticized for disagreeing with Ken Ham – source
Hugh Ross – noted astrophysicist, pastor, and apologist“undermines the authority of the Word of God and the Gospel of Jesus Christ” – source
“twists the Bible” – source
Francis Collins – Director, National Institutes of Health“ranks opinions of fallible human beings above God’s Word” – source
Walter Kaiser – Professor of Old Testament and President of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary “misled many pastors and lay people” – source
Greg Koukl – founder and president of Stand To Reason “teaching compromise within the church and undermining the authority of the Bible.” – source
J. Warner Wallace – detective, apologist, Adjunct Professor of Apologetics at Biola University “It’s sad that he is a speaker at an apologetics conference.  I would say the apologetics he is teaching is really a defense of a secular anti-biblical belief rather than of Scripture.” – source
Francis Schaeffer – philospher, author, apologistcriticized for his scholarship here and here
John Piper – pastor, theologian, and author” seriously flawed ” – source
Michael Horton – Professor of Systematic Theology and Apologetics at Westminster Seminary “disingenuous” – source
William Dembski – philosopher and mathematician, retired from Discovery Institute“logically and biblically unsound” – source
Billy Graham – considered by most the greatest Evangelist of the 20th centurycompromiser – source
Charles Spurgeon – the “Prince of Preachers” compromiser – source
Bill Bright – founder, Campus Crusade for Christ compromiser – source
B. B. Warfield – Theologian, pastor, and scholar compromiser – source


  1. November 6, 2023 at 10:09 am

    If you go to the sources you will notice gracious comments about these individuals. No theologian likely has 100% accuracy in their theology, and back in the 18th century, early 19th century, not much was actually known about the world compared to today. Creation Ministry leaders are trying to give understanding TODAY , now that there is so much more information, not only about the physical world, but about science in the Bible, so people can have confidence in God’s word from beginning to end. The more scientists, including archaeologists and those who study what the nature of intelligence information looks like. the more the truth of the Bible is confirmed. And it can be noted that you are calling Ken Ham a wolf, rather then addressing any of his scientific claims.

  2. January 3, 2024 at 9:53 am

    Thank you for visiting. Every year, more and more evidence accumulates for an ancient earth and universe – though we don’t need it because this was settled a long time ago.

    Only a handful of fundamentalist Christian scientists embrace the young-earth paradigm, and they do it because they place their personal interpretation of Scripture above the consistent testimony of God’s created order (i.e., science).

    Ken Ham and his cohorts actually undermine Scriptural authority, by adamantly insisting that it teaches nonsense.

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