Defending Biblical Sexuality: Resources Table of ContentsUnit 1: The Top Ten Myths of the Sexual RevolutionReport: PCA Ad Interim Committee on Human SexualityUnit 2: Why sexual apologetics? The state of the ChurchArticle: “Stand in the Gap: A Summons to Healthcare Professionals”Article: “Marriage: Past, Present, and Future”Unit 3: Defending Biblical Sexuality to Professing ChristiansArticle: Is Christian Sexual Morality Based on Ancient Cultural Bias?Article: Answering Contemporary Challenges to Christian Sexual MoralityUnit 4: Scientific Basis for the Genesis ParadigmUnit 5: Victims of the Sexual RevolutionArticle: Victims of the Sexual RevolutionUnit 6: HomosexualityArticle: Epidemic of Sexually transmitted diseases linked to male homosexualityUnit 7: TransgenderismArticle: Sacrificing Science on the Altar of TransgenderismUnit 8: How We Got Here, Where We’re Headed, What We Can Do Unit 1: The Top Ten Myths of the Sexual Revolution Click image to download PowerPoint Report: PCA Ad Interim Committee on Human Sexuality Unit 2: Why sexual apologetics? The state of the Church Click image to download PowerPoint Article: “Stand in the Gap: A Summons to Healthcare Professionals“ Article: “Marriage: Past, Present, and Future” Unit 3: Defending Biblical Sexuality to Professing Christians Click image to download PowerPoint Article: Is Christian Sexual Morality Based on Ancient Cultural Bias? Article: Answering Contemporary Challenges to Christian Sexual Morality Unit 4: Scientific Basis for the Genesis Paradigm Click image to download PowerPoint Unit 5: Victims of the Sexual Revolution Click image to download PowerPoint Article: Victims of the Sexual Revolution Unit 6: Homosexuality Click on image to view PowerPoint Article: Epidemic of Sexually transmitted diseases linked to male homosexuality Unit 7: Transgenderism Click on image to download PowerPoint Article: Sacrificing Science on the Altar of Transgenderism Unit 8: How We Got Here, Where We’re Headed, What We Can Do Click image to download PowerPoint Share this: