
The Sexual Devolution After millennia in which universal, heterosexual marriage and childbearing was the normative standard for human sexual activity, a counter-narrative swept the Western world in the mid-20th century. Like Godzilla from the ocean depths, the dragon wrought havoc and mayhem, not on the skyscrapers of Tokyo, but on that fragile social compact governing…

The Great Omission

September 3, 2020 | pride, apologetics, social issues | 1 Comment


Has the church lost its focus? Perhaps no other verse is so singularly preeminent in defining the Church’s mission to the world, and for good reason: And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations,…


In Part 1 of this series, we looked at two common objections to a traditional Christian view of sexuality: "What about other Old Testament rules we don’t keep?" and, “The New Testament teaching on sexuality was socially constructed and not intended for universal application.” In Part 2, we will examine two more recent arguments that…


Discerning right from wrong in sexual morality. What is the foundation of your moral principles? If you consider that a simple question, you’ve never really thought about it much. The gut reaction of most Protestants would be “Scripture” – certainly a fitting place to begin – but when one drills down into the details things…

COVID Strikes Back?

July 11, 2020 | health | No Comments


Just when it looked like we’d turned a corner, COVID has returned with a vengeance – or so it seems. Most of the recent media attention has focused on rising infection rates in Florida, Texas, Arizona, and California. Three of those four (FL TX, CA) top the list of most populous states, so their raw…

Pandemic: Endgame, Part II

May 25, 2020 | health | 3 Comments


“Be Safe” is the official mantra of our age, and has been for quite some time now. No wonder we're anxious. While 21st century America emerged as the safest time and place in human history, we came to perceive our pampered vantage point as a reality against which the most trivial of threats seemed terrifying.…

Covidistan, Coronacita, and Carnivals

May 11, 2020 | health | No Comments


The Myers Briggs inventory can tell you wonderful things you already know about yourself. I’m an INTJ. One thing about us INTJ’s is that we march to the beat of a different drummer. If everyone else goes right, we go left and that’s OK. Now, this combination of independence and social indifference is a mixed…


Part 1: What have we learned? For several weeks now, the Spaniel and I have been poring over charts, analyzing the data, and perusing commentary from multiple reliable sources (and occasional not-so-reliable ones) in order to provide you, our esteemed fan base, with trustworthy evidence-based guidance for what the future brings. Discretion is often the…

Courage, Sacrifice, and Corona-spiracies

April 17, 2020 | health, pride | 2 Comments


Are we even talking about the same religion here? As COVID deaths were skyrocketing in the Lombardy region of northern Italy, overwhelming local hospitals, Samaritan’s Purse (SP) - the Christian relief ministry headed by Franklin Graham - airlifted an emergency field hospital to Cremona, Italy. Staffed with both SP workers and emergency medical volunteers, the…


Whatever happened to the Boy Scouts of America? On Tuesday, February 18, 2020 a once-great American institution filed for bankruptcy; a casualty, according to some, of western cultural wars. In “A Badge of Disgrace”, Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council blames their demise entirely on policy changes of the last seven years.. It was,…

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