Author: Steven Willing

Home / Author: Steven Willing

On human nature

September 11, 2017


In the realm of logic there is a principle known as the fallacy of the false dilemma. The rules of logic are violated when a complex question is restricted to an arbitrary number of answers, typically just two. This occurs regularly in the public discourse and is a major contributor to polarization. Either global warming…


Question: How does a procrastinating, crowd-averse father get his family from Edwards, CO into the path of totality for the 2017 total eclipse? Via Denver and I24? Heaven forbid! Back roads to Casper? No rooms or campsites for 50 miles in any direction. Answer: By schlepping northward to Shoshone, WY and pitching camp in the…

To Chelsea

August 1, 2017


Chelsea's now gone years ago Her coat of charcoal mixed with snow   Of all God's creatures, most divine Was she, our spirited canine   Where dogs go, and what they do, May be a mystery to you   Her exploits brought her great renown Chasing varmints round and round   Oftentimes, on coming back,…

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