Empty cradles, empty nurseries
Fertility rates are dropping worldwide. Why are they dropping, and what can be done? The answer may reside in the resurrection of an ancient tradition: marriage.
1946: The Mistranslation that Had Absolutely No Effect on Anything
A documentary claims that the Bible never mentions homosexuality and that its use in the 1946 RSV was a mistranslation of the Greek. They are right. And wrong.
Declining happiness, and the plight of the young liberal woman.
Increasing levels of depression and a decline in public happiness have been well-described, but there are many theories as to why. In this installment, we argue that the decline of marriage is the most critical yet overlooked factor, and why the young liberal woman suffers the most.
Top Ten Myths of the Sexual Revolution: 9-10
Is there really no meaningful difference between homosexuality and heterosexuality? Does God make people gay?
Top Ten Myths of the Sexual Revolution: 3-5
In part 2 of our series we explode three more myths of the sexual revolution, concerning marriage, chastity, and the well-being of women.
Top Ten Myths of the Sexual Revolution: Introduction
Most battles over human sexuality spanning the last 50 years in the Western world can reasonably be parked under the umbrella of the sexual revolution. But the sexual revolution has been an unmitigated disaster for individuals and society, and it is built upon a foundation of lies.
Sacrificing science on the altar of transgenderism
Science-based medicine, or faith-based pseudoscience?The decline and fall of “Science-based Medicine” exposes the vacuity of transgenderism.
Science affirms Biblical Sexuality
The Bible explicitly declares, and historic Christianity has affirmed, three fundamental principles regarding human sexuality. The vast aggregate of research in medicine, neuroscience, and social science over the last 3 decades now affirms these principles.
Marriage: Past, Present, and Future
How and why a retreat from Biblical marriage and sexuality hurts almost everyone, and Christians are not immune.
Victims of the sexual revolution.
There is a direct, causal connection between the Sexual Revolution and the pandemic of sexual victimization
Answering contemporary challenges to Christian sexual morality
Has Christian sexual morality been refuted by science? Are the New Testament prohibitions on extramarital sex founded upon a mistranslation of “porneia” as “fornication”?
Is Christian sexual morality based on ancient cultural bias?
How are Christian teachings on sex any different from other antiquated Old Testament Laws? Is New Testament teaching more than just ancient cultural bias?

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I did 5 years as a Chemical engineering consultant to the Dept of Energy's Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR). In this…
[…] Western nations, the marriage rate has been steadily declining while the age of first marriage has been steadily trending…
Thank you dear brother with a well researched and well written article to the glory of God.
Thank you for your insights into the referenced research, Dr Willing.