The Neuroscience of Transgenderism
The evidence so far shows that in transgender subjects, their brain more closely aligns with their birth sex than their gender identity.
“Nature” does a Face Plant: Promoting the transgender suicide myth
What if an original research paper published in a respected scientific journal declared that child-protective legislation caused an increase in suicide attempts among transgender youth? Wouldn’t you expect them to show actual evidence of an increase? Well, you ought. But they didn’t.
The Anxious Generation: Implications of Screen Time for Youth Mental Health
Are skyrocketing rates of mental illness among the young caused by smartphones? A growing chorus of mental health professionals and research psychologists say yes. What does the evidence show, what can we do about it, and why are religious conservatives largely being spared?
Despite lockdown, sexually transmitted diseases continue to skyrocket
How a worsening epidemic of sexually transmitted diseases is a direct consequence of violating Biblical sexuality.
Evangelicals and vaccine rejection
Is vaccine resistance an abuse of religious liberty? Do vaccine resisters imperil others? What underlies opposition to the COVID vaccine?
COVID-19: Is the end in sight?
COVID cases are plummeting nationwide. This could be the good news event of the year. Why is no one talking about it?
Answering contemporary challenges to Christian sexual morality
Has Christian sexual morality been refuted by science? Are the New Testament prohibitions on extramarital sex founded upon a mistranslation of “porneia” as “fornication”?
COVID Strikes Back?
Five months into the COVID pandemic, when life was beginning once again to seem almost normal, things are starting to heat up. Was reopening a mistake? An examination of the most current science, and more reasons not to panic.
Pandemic: Endgame, Part II
The world is not safe. The world was never safe. But there is great cause for hope, if we can summon the courage. COVID-19: what is the end game? Six lessons, five strategies.
Covidistan, Coronacita, and Carnivals
How disease modeling is like a carnival game, two opposite approaches to herd immunity, and are our eyes on the right target?
Pandemic: Endgame, Part 1
COVID19: Emerging evidence on fatality rates, CFR, IFR, asymptomatic infections, and where we’ve been. Can these shed light on where we’re going?
Courage, Sacrifice, and Corona-spiracies
As the global church responds to a deadly pandemic, responses range from courageous heroism to fatal foolishness. This is a time for courage, hope, selflessness, and humility.

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I did 5 years as a Chemical engineering consultant to the Dept of Energy's Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR). In this…
[…] Western nations, the marriage rate has been steadily declining while the age of first marriage has been steadily trending…
Thank you dear brother with a well researched and well written article to the glory of God.
Thank you for your insights into the referenced research, Dr Willing.