Category Archive : apologetics

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As far back as data exists, the universal experience has been that transgenderism was an extraordinarily rare occurrence, especially among females. The past decade, however, witnessed an unprecedented increase in the numbers of young people identifying as transgender and seeking to transition. The surge was particularly striking among young adolescent females who were heavy users…


Most people operate under the assumption that their beliefs are grounded in facts, reason, and experience. It follows that any error of belief must stem from one of those three. They also become the basis for our efforts to educate or persuade those with different beliefs. If only facts were so readily recognizable. We face…


Thanks to the research of Mark Regnerus and others, there is an emerging awareness that the greatest impediment to Christian discipleship and church growth in the 21st century is a disordered view of human sexuality that began with the so-called "sexual revolution" of the 60's. The Bible explicitly declares, and historic Christianity has affirmed, three…


In last Saturday’s New York Times, Christian columnist Ross Douthat asks, “Can the Meritocracy Find God?” "The secularization of America probably won’t reverse unless the intelligentsia gets religion,” writes Douthat. Nor is he sanguine for the prospects of that occurring. Douthat postulates two primary obstacles. First, “a moral vision that regards emancipated, self-directed choice as…

The Revenge of Screwtape

February 26, 2021


Screwtape's Revenge “There are two equal and opposite errors into which our race can fall about the devils. One is to disbelieve in their existence. The other is to believe, and to feel an excessive and unhealthy interest in them.” C. S. Lewis, Preface to The Screwtape Letters. A personal journey I almost thought I’d…


(Part 5 in a series on sexual apologetics) What is the state of marriage in Western society? How did we get there? What are the implications for the worldwide body of believers? We began this series in June discussing a report from a study committee of the Presbyterian Church in America calling for a Biblically…


The Sexual Devolution After millennia in which universal, heterosexual marriage and childbearing was the normative standard for human sexual activity, a counter-narrative swept the Western world in the mid-20th century. Like Godzilla from the ocean depths, the dragon wrought havoc and mayhem, not on the skyscrapers of Tokyo, but on that fragile social compact governing…

The Great Omission

September 3, 2020


Has the church lost its focus? Perhaps no other verse is so singularly preeminent in defining the Church’s mission to the world, and for good reason: And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations,…


There is a particular narrative, popular among skeptics, that occasionally erupts into the public forum. It happened in 1990 when Ted Turner famously (and clumsily) declared that “Christianity is a religion for losers”. (The muddled nuance of his actual intent was drowned in the ensuing indignation). Or in 1993 when Washington Post writer Michael Weisskopf…

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