Return of the God Hypothesis – Review
In his newest work, Dr. Stephen Meyer draws from a range of disciplines to show that a personal Creator God provides the best, most rational solution to the most intractable mysteries surrounding the science of origins.
The Revenge of Screwtape
Uncle Screwtape and his colleagues have been hard at work, and the followers of Jesus should beware.
Christians and Conspiracies
Why do so many of our brothers and sisters in the Lord commit the same denial of reality they mock in unbelievers? It’s complicated.
COVID-19: Is the end in sight?
COVID cases are plummeting nationwide. This could be the good news event of the year. Why is no one talking about it?
Marriage: Past, Present, and Future
How and why a retreat from Biblical marriage and sexuality hurts almost everyone, and Christians are not immune.
Victims of the sexual revolution.
There is a direct, causal connection between the Sexual Revolution and the pandemic of sexual victimization
The Great Omission
By almost every measure, Western Christianity is in decline. The solution is in plain sight, but we must first identify the problem.
Answering contemporary challenges to Christian sexual morality
Has Christian sexual morality been refuted by science? Are the New Testament prohibitions on extramarital sex founded upon a mistranslation of “porneia” as “fornication”?
Is Christian sexual morality based on ancient cultural bias?
How are Christian teachings on sex any different from other antiquated Old Testament Laws? Is New Testament teaching more than just ancient cultural bias?
COVID Strikes Back?
Five months into the COVID pandemic, when life was beginning once again to seem almost normal, things are starting to heat up. Was reopening a mistake? An examination of the most current science, and more reasons not to panic.
Pandemic: Endgame, Part II
The world is not safe. The world was never safe. But there is great cause for hope, if we can summon the courage. COVID-19: what is the end game? Six lessons, five strategies.
Covidistan, Coronacita, and Carnivals
How disease modeling is like a carnival game, two opposite approaches to herd immunity, and are our eyes on the right target?

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I did 5 years as a Chemical engineering consultant to the Dept of Energy's Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR). In this…
[…] Western nations, the marriage rate has been steadily declining while the age of first marriage has been steadily trending…
Thank you dear brother with a well researched and well written article to the glory of God.
Thank you for your insights into the referenced research, Dr Willing.